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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What Will We Do?

More Bob Marley lyrics and video

You may think that the whole Rasta movement only speaks of smoking kaya and sporting dreads, but Bob Marley offers something real that we all must ponder. What do we do about the poor? Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. sought equality for the poorest of people. Rev. Jesse Jackson slept with the poor and the homeless for Operation P.U.S.H. and Mother Teresa lived among the poor and disabled in India. Jesus offered hope for the poor. He even shared a blessing for the "poor in spirit" in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-16).

So what will we do? Will we just simply sit around, sing hymns and collect an offering to mail to someone else who will do the "dirty work?" Will we adopt a child or some poor family and offer them a turkey dinner for Thanksgiving and gifts for the needy kids on Christmas? What will we do about the poor and needy among us? I love what Micah 6:8 says:
He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
What will we do?

1 comment:

Bro Michael said...

Individually,we will begin in the Spirit of prayer asking God for his Divine guidance, not asking God why this is happening; but what is his will for us to do, both individually and collectively. God will answer. Then we must be obident to God's Holy Spirit response, pick up our cross, and begin leading by example and not just with rhetoric.

Collectively, we must also seek God first. Praying for his discernment, vision and plan...write the plan, make it plain, and pray for his reconciling Holy Spirit power of unification.

We must also hold the church and CBOs accountable for implementing their said doctrines and mission statements. We Must End the Silence. Our Silence and Passiveness Makes Us ACCOMPLICE To OUR OWN OPPRESSION!

Bro Michael

Amen Me!