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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Problematic Prophets of Promise

The Apostle Paul was quite clear when stated for the Philippians to beware of dogs and the false circumcision (Phil.3:2). I often wonder why so many people are quick to jump at judging others. We find ourselves calling out someone who appears to be off with their theolgy with every derrogatory statement imaginable. Almost daily, we see the tv-loominng evangelists and the radiowave-riding revivalists setting new lows in destructive behavior with little biblical backing. We find ourselves stuck between the Religious Right and the Moral Majority.

Somewhere along the way, we became misguided by some losers of leaders and some careless CEOs. It's almost like America needs a Bible Belt bailout or a state-by-state spiritual stimulus. We need to rid ourselves of the fakes that have faked us out for so long and taken advantage of our innocence. We will no longer allow them to speak for us and before us as if God has ordained them with a calling to call all of the people together. As per our request, they will cease claiming their prophetic prosperity and no longer lead us astray like false prophets.

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Amen Me!