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Monday, June 15, 2009

Back on Track

Hip-hop's Rakim made real noise when he would start out with the words: "It's been a long a time. . ." I felt the same way as I started on this blog entry. It seems as if I have neglected some sacred duty, but I have been very busy doing some productive work for both the church and community.
  • I have really gotten into Twitter and at least hitting up an update daily if not more than once. Follow me tweet by tweet at
  • I am preaching every Wednesday night at Bayview Bapttist Church for the month of June. I preached last week on "Being Blessed Beyond Belief" about Elijah and the widow of Zarephath. . .where is God sending you and to whom for your blessing? I've got two more to go. We crank it up at 7 PM.
  • I've got to give all of those who preach and teach with the Good News, the Word of truth. This is no small thing. Preaching and teaching take a lot out of a person. Each requires a great amount of study and commitment. You are in my prayers daily.
  • I am putting finishing touches on my latest book of inspirational poetry entitled Lamentations in the Storm. I am planning a few book-signings this summer for this and Words from the Underground.
What's next? I cannot say yet. The baby is keeping us on our toes and that's expected. I have a few plans underway for some new ventures in ministry and community services, so I stay prayerful. Andrew Murray said,"I pray, expecting an answer." Yes, and I pray for clarity and understanding to follow my obedience and acceptance of what God has to say. Amen.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Putting Ministry in Action

When I think of holy heroes, I come up with some pretty familiar names in the bible and throughout Christian history. King David comes to mind. He was an all-around man for all seasons, " a man after God's own heart" (1 Sam. 13:14). David was considered a man of war. In today's terms, he would be a man of action. We need such men in ministry. Let them seek God with their hearts and seek to do His will through their hands. Such is the way that our men should be today. I am also reminded of James Hudson Taylor and his dedication and commitment as a missionary in China. Such dedication and commitment are the main ingredients for living a life of service. Look at C. H. Spurgeon and how he influenced numerous preachers in accordance with their true purpose. Research people like J.C. Penney and others who committed to the concept of reverse tithing. Look at those who came before us and see if you recognize the calling on their lives by the actions taken by them while they lived.

Become an inspiration to another Christian, follow what god has given for you to do. What will it take for you to take some action? Do you need to know every little detail before you make a single move? Whatever it is, put your heart into and do it just as God told you to do it. Take action for the ministry's sake. Take action when you're up to it and even when you're not. Just take action.
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Monday, June 1, 2009

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
-Matthew 6:21
Where have you placed your "treasure?" Have you laid your treasure up in heaven as directed by the Lord? Or, like many others, have you stored up "treasures on earth?" (v. 19) It's a serious question that serves as a barometer of our stewardship and servanthood. Where is your treasure?
As stewards, we understand that all of what we have is from God and by the grace of God. Thus, the true owner of what we have is actually God Himself. We are to simply care for what has been bestowed upon us as wise stewards and servants, following the lead of our Master and fulfilling His wishes. It is unwise for a steward and servant to do what is opposite of the Master's will and desire. In essence, such simple things can become complex when we venture outside of God's guidance and rely upon our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). A wise steward does as the Master instructs him or her to do, for he serves the Lord and seeks to please Him.
Keep tabs of where your treasure is directed. Identify what you do with your "treasure" from day to day in order to be certain that God is first and foremost when it comes to your livelihood. Living under grace, we should be more than available and able to understand that a tithe is not all that is required of us. Paul shares it by simply saying: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously (2 Corinthians 9:6, NIV).
Make it your business to know where your treasure goes. Track your spending habits by reviewing your bank statements and checkbook register monthly. Are you giving to God first? How often do you give to charity for the poor and needy? Is there a special program you support for the underprivileged in your community? Check out where your treasure is going.
"Let us long to be used in the onversion of sinners."-C.H. Spurgeon
I have found it necessary to say some things to church leaders and laity from time to time with regards to evangelism. My heart's desire is that the body of Christ would become more engaged in evangelizing, sharing the gospel message of Jesus Christ with others. Whether it is passing out tracts or door-to-door evangelism, I believe that the church must take this matter to heart and make some serious moves to spread the Word throughout local communities. Naturally, a debate tends to rise from such a suggestion as to whether we should evangelize locally or send forth missionaries to the uttermost parts of the world. My viewpoint is rather simple but strategic when it comes to this debate. There really should be no debate about it. There is work to do on both fronts, but you must sincerely look at where and how God has blessed your congregation with spiritual gifts among the people. You'll have very little impact in South America if you can't even get started in South Central. Your words will fall short on foreign soil when you haven't even shared the Word in your neighborhood. Look at how God used people to influence and impact their immediate surroundings as well as people far and wide. Prayer is essential for guidance with such matters. The Holy Spirit will reveal where you need to start, and then you need to get started there first. the harvest is truly plentiful and we need more laborers to tend to this harvest, but we need people in the right places where they can be effective as led by the Spirit.
Amen Me!