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Friday, January 29, 2010

Some things to really consider...

If we know right from wrong and keep doing wrong, when do we get it right?

We tend to blame politicians, big business and entertainment for our problems. Here's a solution: vote only for people you believe in, buy only what you need, and stop listening to and watching what they produce. If one generation of Americans did so, I wonder if the rest of America could sustain any of the three.

How civilized have we become? Are we more civilized than others when we waste food and fuel on leisure while others in the earth have none for their livelihood? Is it civilization or conceit that causes us to think that wearing what we wore yesterday is beneath us and living with our parents, grandparents and brothers and sisters is too close for comfort? I wonder.
I wonder what social commentary Franz Fanon, Mahatma Gandhi or Henry David Thoreau would right about our modernized and globalized society. Would they congratulate us for humanitarian efforts? Or, would they wag an accusatory finger in our faces at our inhumane practices of selfishness and greed? I simply wonder.

I'm reading some interesting books about Christianity and church, but I have really found Crazy Love by Francis Chan to lift my hopes. Say what you want about "radical Christians," but Chan and others like Stephen Baldwin and DC Talk are paving the way for a new generation of Christians to serve Christ in a way that reflects experiencing Christ beyond the pews.

If we want people to accept Christ, we need to stop trying to drag them to church and start sharing Christ by the way we live. People need to see Christ in us before they even hear a word about Him from us.

...just some things to consider.

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Amen Me!