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Friday, April 16, 2010

Out of Eden

Once upon a time
In the Garden sublime
A creeping creature made himself known
And slid up as if he had found the woman alone
With an eloquent hiss
He said: ‘Excuse me, Miss.
Is it true that God has really said not to touch on this?’
Most theologians cannot deny it
Even though some Christians don’t buy it.
The serpent spoke to the woman named Eve
And truth be told
That’s about all one needs to believe.
This is the beginning of the fall
When sin comes to all
And it surely is not small.
Man was silent then, though he’s weeping now
The serpent is only creeping now
As man works by the sweat of his brow.
Preachers usually misquote it
Yet, this will be duly noted
As we revile the duly demoted.
Man got his for what he did not say or do.
Woman got hers for what she did, too.
And the serpent got his for what he said that was untrue.
In the end, we learn of Him
As we learn also about them.
We all must answer to what is true
Or fall prey to the lie, too.

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Amen Me!