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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Building Up Biblically Day to Day

". . . Exhort one another daily. . ."
-Hebrews 3:13

Exhortation has almost become a lost art. It is as if many are satisfied reading the Scriptures and not getting into depth to the point where many of these so-called theologians and Bible scholars are unable to share the story behind the text. Dumbing down the Word has become vogue when the Bible shares that we are to exhort one another daily. We have to take care of how we handle the Word and the "flock" under our watch and care. Let us be mindful of what we are called to do by God Himself.

  • Deliver the truth with sincerity regarding your fellowman and the walk of life God has called you both to live out.
  • Dedicate time throughout the day to read and reflect upon the Scriptures
  • Discuss the Word with others in order to grow in knowledge and maturity
  • Drop your preconceived notions of what the Word means and is trying to say to you
We have the power to accomplish what God has called us to do if we will do so by the means by which He provide to us. Let's not add to any confusion that already exists among believers. The strong should take care to uphold the weak, especially through the Word.

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Amen Me!